Understanding Facial Expressions

Eligibility: 18-80 year old, same-sex twins. In everyday life, there are many circumstances in which we need to correctly identify what other people are thinking or feeling. We often try to understand how others are feeling by looking at the emotional expressions on their face. People vary on how easy or difficult they find this. […]

Restless Legs Syndrome and Growing Pains

Eligibility: All twins and family members who participated in the study in 2019 Growing pains is the most common primary (spontaneously occurring) pain disorder of childhood. Restless legs syndrome is an important and often distressing cause of impaired sleep and other problems. You may have it without realising. The ultimate purpose of this study is […]

GenV (Generation Victoria)

Eligibility: All children born in Victoria between 4th October 2021 and 3rd October 2023 GenV, short for Generation Victoria (https://genv.org.au), is a research project from the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute. All Victorian children born over two years (October 2021 – October 2023) and their parents are invited to take part. This includes multiple birth families! Currently, more […]

How does diet impact male reproductive health?

Eligibility: Identical and fraternal, healthy male twins – aged 18-45 years. We have seen a shift in dietary patterns with increased consumption of processed, easily accessible foods. Minimal attention has been placed on what changes occur to sperm as a result of differences in diet, and whether this can impact the health of future offspring. […]

The Victorian Population Twin Cohort Study

Eligibility: All twins born or living in Victoria. Data routinely collected by State Governments (such as hospital data) are increasingly being used in health research. Twins are often excluded from these research projects because it is difficult to identify them in the data. This means twins are being underrepresented in health research, which limits the […]

Genetics of risk for and resilience to mental health problems

Eligibility: Only twins who previously participated in the “Resilience and vulnerability to mental health problems’” in 2021-2022. Thank you to those members that participated in our recent study ‘Exploring genetic and environmental influences on resilience and vulnerability to mental health problems’. We are very pleased to say that the study was a big success! We received 1,911 responses, 697 […]

Australian Twins & Sisters Mammographic Density Study Follow-Up

Eligibility: Identical and fraternal female twins who previously participated in the Australian Twins and Sisters Breast Density Study (2005-2007).   Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in Australian Women. Each year, almost 17,000 women are newly diagnosed, and nearly 3,000 women die from breast cancer. Epidemiological studies have identified a number of factors […]

Twins FluTracking Survey

Eligibility: Open to twins and higher order multiples (HOMs) of all ages – identical and fraternal – and parents of twins/HOMs. This special Twins FluTracking Survey enrolment has been developed especially for twins/HOMs to report if they’ve had symptoms of flu in the past week.   The FluTracking.net project is a joint initiative of the University of Newcastle, […]