Researchers often compare the differences between identical and fraternal twins to better understand health and behaviour. The first major insight is that genes and environments almost always combine to influence our life trajectory. Sometimes the largest factor is genetics (think genetic disorders). Sometimes it’s environment (think infections). Mostly, it’s somewhere in between. Such studies have […]
Member eNews
A free online Member eNews is emailed out usually twice a year. It’s packed with great information about the latest studies, research discoveries, member profiles, upcoming events and much more. Current Issue 2023 Christmas Past Issues 2022: Christmas 2021: Autumn, Spring, Christmas 2020: Autumn, Winter, Spring, Christmas 2019: Autumn, Winter, Spring, Christmas 2018: Autumn, Winter, Christmas 2017: Spring, Christmas 2016: Winter, Autumn, Christmas 2015: Winter, Spring, Summer 2014: Christmas, Spring, Autumn 2013: Christmas, Summer, Autumn, Special issue, Spring 2012: Winter, Summer 2011: Summer Related: Browse our Researcher eNews […]
Health Behaviours and Screening Questionnaire
Eligibility: All adult twins and higher order multiples currently living in Australia This study will investigate twins’ views and habits regarding health providers and available screening tests. We will ask about your health and behaviours around screening in an online questionnaire. We will also ask a small number of participants to take part in an […]