Eligibility: All adult twins and higher order multiples currently living in Australia
This study will investigate twins’ views and habits regarding health providers and available screening tests. We will ask about your health and behaviours around screening in an online questionnaire. We will also ask a small number of participants to take part in an additional (optional) follow-up interview.
Twins and multiples provide a special opportunity to give unique insights into how people choose to access health professionals and how they participate in screening programs.
This information could play an important role as it could help us develop ways to make screening programs better and thereby improve health outcomes for all Australians.
Researchers: Dr Sue Malta, Prof John Hopper, Dr Lucas Calais-Ferreira (The University of Melbourne), and Dr Jennifer Brooks (University of Toronto)
What is involved?
Participation will only take 10-20 minutes of your time. You will be asked to fill out an online survey with questions related to demographic information, health behaviours and screening. We will ask you about your health, your access and use of health providers, and your habits around screening (e.g. mammograms).
If the researchers require any further information about your answers to these questions, you may be asked to participate in an online interview (this is voluntary and optional).
Who is eligible?
All adult (18+ years) twins and higher order multiples currently living in Australia are eligible.
Would you like to get involved?
If you would like to participate or find out more, please contact us.
If you are not yet a Twins Research Australia member you will also need to register online here.
June-December 2023