Eligibility: twins of all ages
The Health and Lifestyle Questionnaire will be used to help research. It is a questionnaire developed for TRA members and asks about a range of topics including members’ background, health conditions and lifestyle information. All information remains confidential. Invitations to complete the Health & Lifestyle Questionnaire will be sent via email to all current TRA members in due course, where there is a valid email address recorded (or to the contactable parent’s email address for junior twins).
What is involved?
It is an online survey which will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.
Who is eligible?
All adult twin pairs (aged 18+ years) with access to complete an online questionnaire, are eligible to participate. For junior twins, all parents with twins aged over a year old are also eligible.
Would you like to get involved?
If you would like to be involved, please ensure you have updated your email address with us so that we can send you an invitation at our next recruitment round. To update your contact details email us at info@twin.org.au.
January 2014 – Ongoing.